Alarm optimization – what SIGNL4 has to offer

Alarm optimization – what SIGNL4 has to offer

Having all relevant information pertaining to a critical incident is vital for quickly identifying the issue and prioritize its importance. SIGNL4 optimizes the perception, response and handling of incidents through customizable alerts with enriched parameters,...
Is being on-call a reason to quit?

Is being on-call a reason to quit?

“Well, that’s the job.” Have you ever heard that from your colleagues or bosses when it came to being on-call? Imagine you started a new job 3 months ago and were looking forward to it from the start. You are on-call one weekend a month and thought...
A vital alerting solution

A vital alerting solution

This article should give you a first idea of what SIGNL4 does. What do IT security, production monitoring and technical field service have in common? In all these scenarios, the right people need to get notified immediately – in case of technical malfunctions,...