Alerting App

SIGNL4’s mobile alerting app combines features for real-time push notification, alert management, incident response, duty scheduling and collaboration with colleagues to quickly and effectively resolve issues or to take care of urgent service requests.

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SIGNL4 Alerting App
Alert Notifications

Mobile Alerting App


  • Centerpiece of ‘anywhere’ capabilities of SIGNL4
  • Native app for Android and iOS
  • Intuitive design and high usability
  • Native dark mode for better readability
  • Haptic feedback system 

Alert Notifications

Reliable Notifications

  • Real-time alerting via push
  • Override silent button on iOS
  • Override volume and do-not-disturb on Android
  • Custom push tones for alerts and alert categories
  • Custom channel sequences
Alert Notifications
Dashboard SIGNL4 Mobile App

Single pane of glass

Mobile Dashboard


  • View and change duty and shift status
  • Intelligent alert status view
  • Display of alert categories
  • ‘Who is on call’ dashboard
  • Triggering manual alarms

Respond from anywhere

Convenient Alert Management

  • Alerts with actionable information
  • Alert lifecycle – one-click status change
  • Acknowledge and close alerts
  • Category and status-based lists
  • Detailed view with extensive information including maps, links
  • Alert history
Dashboard SIGNL4 Mobile App
Dashboard SIGNL4 Mobile App

Anywhere collaboration

Chat & Annotations

  • Comment function for alerts
  • Comments from colleagues are displayed via push
  • View of current team members on duty
  • One-click contact option via call, SMS and email

Duty Management

Anywhere Duty Management

  • Quick recognition of personal duty and shift status
  • Preview of upcoming duties and shifts
  • One-click logon and logoff from duty
  • Push reminder before shift start
  • ‘Who is on call’ dashboard
  • Set stand-in in the app
Alert Notifications

Next Steps

Learn more about SIGNL4 and start your free 30-days trial