A story of integration, innovation, and efficiency in monitoring and notifications for modern IT operations About In this episode, Todd from RedIron shares insights on how Derdack’s alerting solution SIGNL4 has unified and transformed their IT operations. RedIron, a...
Best Practice in IT Alerting
How to achieve best practices in IT Alerting? In order to use IT alerting effectively, the following points should be taken into account: Clear prioritization: Not every alert is equally important. Filtering is crucial and prioritization helps to use resources...
Joe’s Triumph with an Alert Fatigue Solution
In the fast-paced world of operations management, every alert bears weight, and Joe's team found themselves caught in a relentless stream of notifications. The challenge they faced was alert fatigue – a persistent obstacle that blurred the lines between critical...
How to use the Rest API to manage SIGNL4 categories
SIGNL4 Categories The categories in SIGNL4 are a powerful tool to make it clear to users at first glance what a particular alert is about. For example, colors, icons, location and predefined texts can be configured here. Categories can be created and edited manually....
The Dangers of Alert Fatigue: Strategies for Effective Alert Management
Alert fatigue is a serious issue that affects numerous professions, especially in the IT industry. It can lead to neglecting critical events and delaying response times. IT teams need to continuously monitor their systems and applications to avert possible downtime...
5 tips for a successful on-call duty
On-call availability is crucial for many industries, especially in IT. With the growing reliance on IT systems and services, their availability directly impacts the success and satisfaction of customers. To ensure round-the-clock availability, on-call services are...
Remote Actions for IT Remediation, IoT Actions and more
SIGNL4 supports the remote execution of automated tasks or workflows in IT or IoT systems using Remote Actions. These remote actions offer a wide range of applications. You can execute remote actions in response to an alert to trigger some kind of remediation action....
Automatic Alert Export to Third-Party Systems
In the SIGNL4 web portal you can manually export historic alert reports as .csv files. In some cases it might be useful to export alert data programmatically. For example you can forward all alerts including specific parameters to InfluxDB and show the alert history...
Segment and SIGNL4: Know your Customer’s Actions, Anywhere and Anytime
You have a web site, app, online shop, or SaaS offering? Then you have plenty of user actions. That can be visiting a certain page, signing up for a service or canceling a subscription. Wouldn’t it be great to know in real time when an important customer action takes...
Why you need to stop the handover of that shared on-call duty phone
If you are still handing over a shared on-call duty phone or pager (sometimes called 'operations phone'), it is time to rethink your process. The Covid19-induced new normal has a dramatic impact on our work live and social behavior. We work from home and that is...