How we view partnership at SIGNL4

Aug 29, 2018 | General

Imagine being a child on a playground. You see other children playing tag, climbing, sliding, laughing… and you are digging in the sandbox alone. You are content, but you question if this is the best way to go about your day. Sure, you can go play on the swings for a solid 20 minutes, but that gets old rather fast. Your independence may frustrate you when you see someone getting an extra push from their friend. You wish you had someone to help push you. Simply put, it is rough not having friends on the playground.

Modern business is quite similar to a playground in a sense that it is more difficult to thrive in a large industry when you lack “friends”. It is very possible to run a company without external support, but you must grow and leverage your company entirely on your own. By establishing external partnerships, you can instead strategically align yourself with similar companies to achieve common goals and grow together. All partnerships are different, but at the very least, you will gain support from players in your industry, which is critical to long-term success. Having a wingman to help navigate the vast tech playground is so valuable, and it should be an option companies consider no matter how large they may be.

Why Consider External Business Partners

With increasing visibility and competition, companies need each other more than ever to succeed in their respected markets. As a result, partnerships and partner programs have become more prevalent. Needless to say, businesses can benefit greatly from external partnership.

In the age of SaaS and cloud, speed of innovation and go-to-market has dramatically increased. Myriads of software and SaaS vendors are competiting for attention of potentials customers. New features and value-add offerings are coming to market in abundance every single day. For single vendors, it becomes increasingly difficult to fulfill all needs and desires users have. It makes sense to focus on core competencies and become a champion here, while adding other functionality through integrations and partnerships with champions in their field.

Brand Equity

Relationships as such can boost brand equity and silence doubters of new companies and products. Through the slightest business associations, people are more willing to trust and purchase offerings. When consumers see that other industry players are taking note of a product, they may then trust a product or even purchase what is being offered. On the outside, a partnership delivers on credibility and looks just as impressive as customers that are willing to talk about your business.

Sharing Insights

The internal benefits are far greater than the surface area benefits of a visible partnership.  It does not get much better than receiving additional insight from other industry professionals. It is always great to have. Whether it be information on industry trends or advice in a foreign market, different professionals bring different things to the table. It is on you to make the most of it. If you provide a complementary good or service to a company, it may be wise to seek out a closer relationship with them as they may give you the inside scoop on where business is headed.

Product Enhancement

Depending on the extent at which companies work together, there may be room for collaboration in product development. A partnership like this may feature things like cross-company product compatibility, integration listings, and more. It is especially beneficial for businesses with fledgling products to seek tech partners early. When working with a tech partner in development stages, companies may be able improve their product before an initial roll-out or update. That saves you some trouble later on.



SIGNL4 has been designed for rapidly building great vendor partnerships

SIGNL4 is a lightweight SaaS solution for mobile teams looking to effectively enhance their daily operations management. With SIGNL4, mobile operations teams can receive persistent, enriched alerts through various channels, communicate internally via alert-centric ChatOps, claim task ownership, track event statuses in real-time updates, and more. Above all, SIGNL4 was built to complement existing enterprise software infrastructures. With a SIGNL4 integration as in place, you can seamlessly trigger events and assign tasks from your own software with ease.

By adhering to the most secure and updated REST and OAuth2 standards, SIGNL4 allows you to add advanced mobile alerting to your applications, systems, and platforms in minutes. However, implementing state-of-the-art 3rd party integrations is just the start of building a relationship with our SIGNL4 team.


Opting into a software partnership with SIGNL4 can provide value to other SaaS companies and software vendors of all sizes. If you work with software that is compatible with SIGNL4, we’d love to highlight our connectivity with an official spot on our Integrations page, which is rather prominent our website. Through this co-marketing effort we overview how your product is configured with SIGNL4 and what scenarios the integration can be used for. A link to your product site will be provided as well for those who may be interested in learning more. Additional content can include tutorial videos, promotional images, and official documentation for users. This is great for those looking to market their software places other than their site and social media. These efforts can be extended further on our end with in-depth blog articles, case studies, social media campaigns, newsletter updates to our customers, and more. In some cases, we may even build an application for your custom software “app store” to facilitate integration if you find our solution to be beneficial to your customers. Check out our existing featured integrations here.

*At SIGNL4, we are open to opportunities outside of what is outlined above. Let us know if there is more that you are seeking in a partnership with SIGNL4. We are looking to grow with our partners and make the most out of these business relationships moving forward.

Drop Us A Line

This is not our first rodeo. Since 1999, our international team has been an innovation leader in digitization, automation, and mobilization of critical alert notification and incident response workflows. We have maintained a partner program for our on-premise solution, Enterprise Alert, and now we want to carry over the same type of success to our SaaS mobile alerting solution in SIGNL4.

Discuss the possibility of partnership with your team. If you like what we do, and you see room for collaboration of any kind, feel free to contact us. Please reach out via email at [email protected] with any inquiries you may have. We would absolutely love to hear from you 🙂



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SIGNL4 Alerting App

Stay ahead of critical incidents with SIGNL4 and its superpowers. SIGNL4 provides superior and automated mobile alerting, delivers alerts to the right people at the right time and enables operations teams to respond and to manage incidents from anywhere.

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