October 2020 Update: Mute overwrite for iPhone (Critical Alerts), undo and more

Oct 14, 2020 | General, Updates

Our October update brings the long-awaited mute-overwrite on iPhone (‘critical alerts’). We also introduce an undo action for Signl acknowledgements or closures.  And in the web app you can now batch-ack and close to multiple Signls at once. All new features are introduced below – enjoy.

Mute-overwrite on iPhones (Critical Alerts)

We are delighted to finally support iOS Critical Alerts. Critical alerts allow for notification push sound even if the hardware mute button is switched on. Apple grant this right to critical applications. Thus, we now ensure that you won’t miss a critical notification from SIGNL4. To switch on this feature, download the latest version (2.4.0) from the Apple app store and enable “Critical alerts” in the app settings under “Signalling”. You can also set the volume for SIGNL4 push tones. Push sound is still set globally or per Signl category.

Undo Signl acknowledgement or closure

When notified, response usually needs to be very quick. Sometimes you might be too fast and accidentally acknowledge or close an alert that is not your responsibility. With the new release, you can now undo (withdraw) your last action. To undo an acknowledgement or closure, go to the Signls overview or details view on the mobile app, then tap and hold your profile picture.  In the web app, you will see an “Undo” link-button in the opened details for each Signl. Click on it to undo your last action (close or acknowledgment).

Please, note that any undo action will be tracked in the Signl history to provide for an transparent audit trail of all actions.

Batch actions in web app

You can now also acknowledge or close all Signls at once in the Signl Center. Simply use the brand new “Actions” button.

Digital Handover in SIGNL4

We are already in the middle of developing the next feature release. Until then we wish you happy exploring…

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SIGNL4 Alerting App

Stay ahead of critical incidents with SIGNL4 and its superpowers. SIGNL4 provides superior and automated mobile alerting, delivers alerts to the right people at the right time and enables operations teams to respond and to manage incidents from anywhere.

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