November 2018 Update: Multi-Team Licensing

Nov 6, 2018 | General, Updates

The November update introduces central management and licensing of multiple teams. Multiple teams can now be billed through a single account. This eases purchasing and license management for anybody with more than one team on SIGNL4. Additionally, teams can centrally be created, stocked up with user licenses and even deleted.

How does it work?

The licensing of multiple teams takes place in a dedicated web portal which is separated from normal team management. To gain access, simply create another SIGNL4 team (your second team) by clicking the new button “New Team” at the top right in your SIGNL4 account management.

You are requested to enter a team name as well as the email of the person who will operate and manage the new team. The new will be created with a 30-day test plan and invitation email is sent to initial team ‘owner’.

You will then be redirected to the multi-team licensing and management portal. Here you will see your current (first) team as well as the new (second) team.

All billing will be moved to this new portal. Here you can purchase user licenses (subscription) on different SIGNL plans and assign those user licenses to your teams. This provides for teams on different SIGNL4 plans, the use of a single credit card for all teams within your company and full control of spending through the assignment of user licenses.

What to consider?

Depending on the plan that your existing SIGNL4 team has when you move to the multi-team licensing, there is something to consider. I.e. it does matter whether you are already on a commercial plan or still in a trial.

If you are on a commercial subscription

If you already are on a commercial subscription plan and create a new, additional team, your subscription will be migrated. This changes your billing period (start is now). Remaining days for use of your SIGNL4 team in the current (old) billing period will be credited automatically. This credit will be deducted from the amount you are charged with the ‘new’ subscription/billing period.

It sounds a bit complicated but is basically just an internal shift as single teams and multiple teams are handled differently in our billing backend. In the end, you pay the same amount and the migration does not cost anything. You can track and check all these (internal) transactions through those downloadable invoices in the “Billing” section of the new multi-team license portal.

Still in trial

If you are still in trial and you are creating a new, second team, you will still have the same number of days left in your trial.

In both cases, once you created a second team and have access to the new portal, all your SIGNL4 teams can commercially now only be managed through that portal and you cannot purchase any subscriptions and users licenses from within team management. Buying user subscriptions, viewing invoices, managing payment, etc – all now happes in the central multi-team management portal.g

Adopting existing teams

If you have already created several SIGNL4 teams, we offer to add them to a new central management group. It is important that you decided which team should be the ‘starting point’, i.e.  from which team you want to set up the central team and license management. So, go to the SIGNL4 account management and log on with the related account, and then from that team and create another SIGNL4 team as described above (even if you don’t need another team you need to do this). Since the new (second) team is created in a 30-day trial mode, there are no additional costs for it; it’s simple waste.

After you have been re-directed to the multi-team licensing portal, adopt your existing SIGNL4 teams by clicking ‘Adopt Team’ under ‘Teams’. Now, enter the email address of the very person who created that team in the first place (the respective team owner). He or she then receives an email to confirm the invitation and once confirmed, this team will show up in your multi-team management space and all licenses will be managed from here from now on.

Adopting commercial teams

In case, the team to adopt already has a commercial subscription, it will be migrated in the same way as decribed above. Please, note that the adoption and migration is only possible if you multi-team accounts holds enough commercial user licenses of the according plan. E.g. if the team being adopted has 5 users on the ‘Optimze’ plan, you must have also 5 users on the ‘Optimize’ plan available and unassigned (they automatically be assigned to the adopted team). So, you will need to purchase those 5 user licences in advance. No worries, as described above, the credit card of the adopted team is credited with the remaining days of the current billing period. However, This process is unfortunately not automated and we thus ask you to contact us in this case.


Explainer Video

Here is a video on how multi-team managing works:

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