Integration Options with SIGNL4

Feb 10, 2022 | Integrations

SIGNL4 integrates with various backend systems like IT monitoring, service management, IoT systems, sensors, etc. to automatically alert users and teams about certain incidents. A list of selected tools along with integration descriptions is available in our integrations section.

How can you integrate SIGNL4 with your own tools? Find an overview of the various options offering different levels of sophistication below.

Raise Alerts in SIGNL4 (1-Way)

The fastest and easiest way to integrate with SIGNL4 is by sending an email to your SIGNL4 team email address. Most if not all IT tools can send emails for specific events. Each team in SIGNL4 has a dedicated email address ({teamsecrect} Simply send an email to this address to notify an entire team or team members on duty.

In case the IT tool you are using supports HTTP requests, you can use our inbound webhook interface to trigger alerts.

If your tool supports scripting or command-line execution you might want to check out our code samples to call our SIGNL4 webhook.

Email and webhook are easy to use but still powerful. You can send images, audio attachments or location information that will get rendered accordingly in the SIGNL4 app.

Update Alerts in Third-Party Tool (1.5-Way)

The email and webhook interfaces can be used to trigger alerts, but they offer additional options. You can close alerts in SIGNL4 when the issue has been resolved in the backend. In this case you need to send an email or webhook request in a particular format as described here.

Receive Alert Status Updates from SIGNL4 (2-Way)

You might want your tool to display status updates, for example, if a user acknowledges an alert in SIGNL4 you would like to display this update in your ticketing system. One option to achieve this is SIGNL4’s outbound webhooks. For each status change (e.g., acknowledgement, closure, annotation, user punch in / out) your tool will receive an HTTP request from SIGNL4. Your tool can then process the information accordingly.

Connector Apps (2-Way)

For select tools SIGNL4 offers dedicated connector apps under Teams -> Apps. These apps make it super easy to configure a two-way integration (i.e., alerting plus updates) with your tools, e.g., with Azure Sentinel, Checkmk, ConnectWise, PRTG or Zabbix.

Alerting and Beyond

SIGNL4 also offers a more sophisticated REST API. This one allows you to handle more complex alerting scenarios or related tasks like duty-schedule import / export or punching in / out users.


Do you have any questions about how to connect SIGNL4 with one of your tools? Just let us know and we will be happy to help you out.

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SIGNL4 Alerting App

Stay ahead of critical incidents with SIGNL4 and its superpowers. SIGNL4 provides superior and automated mobile alerting, delivers alerts to the right people at the right time and enables operations teams to respond and to manage incidents from anywhere.

Learn more about SIGNL4 and start your free 30-days trial.